College Scholarships
מלגות לאוניברסיטה
Student Financial Assistance
- College Net Free scholarship search based on profile.
- College View Financial aid section and scholarship search database
- College Board Fund Finder Free scholarship search based on profile.
- College Tool Kit Free scholarship search based on profile.
- U.S. Department of Education Portal for information on financial aid and scholarships
- Go College Scholarship searches
- Scholarships for students of working parents
- Free scholarship search based on profile.
- Merit Aid Source for merit scholarships from colleges across the country.
- Scholarship Experts Free scholarship search based on profile.
- FASTWEB Database of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and loans.
- 芝加哥派拉蒙高个子俱乐部为达到俱乐部身高要求的即将毕业的大四学生提供750美元的奖学金. 芝加哥俱乐部奖的获奖者可以被提名为1美元的奖金,000 Tall Clubs International Kae Sumner Einfeldt scholarship. Information and application material is available online at
- Columbia College Chicago Presidential Scholarship 一个有竞争力的、择优录取的四年奖学金每年价值8000美元吗. Qualified candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, and submit samples of their creative work. Additional information is available online at or in the Career Center scholarship files.
- 密歇根大学工程学院和文学、科学与艺术学院 offer the $20,000 Gloria Wille Bell and Carlos R. 贝尔奖学金计划提供给已被大学录取的学生. of Michigan, pursuing an undergraduate degree in engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science or another related scientific field. 这项可续期奖学金只提供给符合特定地理条件的学生, one of which is graduation from New Trier. 信息可在就业中心奖学金文件或在线
- 印第安纳大学凯利商学院凯利学者项目 提供全额学杂费、四年生活费和出国留学机会. Information is available online at
- University of Illinois Kathryn G. Hansen Scholarship 竞赛是为计划在办公室专业领域接受高等教育的学生设计的, secretarial, or business-related fields. One scholarship worth $500 will be awarded. Additional information is available online at or in the Career Center scholarship files.
- School of Visual Arts offers the Silas H. Rhodes scholarship 给予有杰出创意及学术成就的学生. 部分学费奖学金最多可续期三年. 申请人必须提交一份幻灯片作品集,其中包括20个艺术作品的选择. 有关信息可在就业中心奖学金文件和网站上获得
- 普林斯顿大学提供普林斯顿种族关系奖 to “recognize, support, 并鼓励我们国家的年轻人,他们表现出对推动积极种族关系事业的承诺。”. Winners will receive $1,000. 有关资料及申请材料可于网上查询
- The University of Illinois chapter of the Beta Sigma Psi offers the $1,1万贝塔西格玛Psi路德会校友奖学金给一名确认的路德会大一男生,将于2020年秋季开始学习. Beta Sigma Psi chapters located at Purdue, Nebraska-Lincoln, Iowa State, Kansas State, Missouri-Rolla, Missouri-Columbia, Ohio State, Indiana, Concordia College-New York, 米德兰路德学院也可能提供奖学金. Information is available online at or in the Career Center scholarship files.
- Coca-Cola Scholarship 该竞赛每年为全国250名老年人提供300万美元的奖金. Check out the details at
- Memorial Mathematics Prize Lander College for Men 宣布为犹太高中学生颁发雅各布·金手指纪念数学奖. First prize is $1000, 2nd prize is $350, and 3rd prize is $150; prizes will be awarded based on an exam. 考虑获奖的申请在网上 该网站还提供有关学习材料和程序的信息.
- Everett Kovler Scholars Program Two Kovler scholarships will be awarded ($10,到秋季开始上大学的高中毕业生,每年为4年的本科课程提供4000美元的学费. 学生必须有经济需要,学业平均成绩不低于B. Math and business majors are preferred. 学生必须在芝加哥大都市区出生和/或长大. 核实你的资格并申请奖学金, contact the Kovler Scholarship Administrator by calling 312.673.3444 or emailing
- Presidential Scholarship 总统奖学金颁发给选择在秋季就读芝加哥哥伦比亚大学全日制学生的高中毕业生. 奖学金基于学生的学术成就和/或预期专业的成就. Awards of up to $8,000 per academic year, 每年续签,共连续8个学期. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA as a full time student. For more information, vistit
- CRC -拉比Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Shlita- Torah作文比赛 面向2019/2020学年将在以色列就读犹太学校或神学院的芝加哥大都会地区正统犹太高中的所有高年级学生开放. 在Halacha或Tanach中选择一个主题进行研究,目的是增加对经典犹太来源的理解.
Essays may be in Hebrew or English, 首选原始语言和形式的第一手资料,而不是第二手资料和翻译. Careful attention to attribution of sources, bibliography.
- First place: $1,000
- 2个荣誉奖:100美元的当地书店礼券.
- The Triple Impact Competitor Scholarship Program 四项1000美元的奖学金,表彰有道德的高中初中生运动员. 申请人将根据其积极贡献进行评估:个人掌握, Leadership and Honoring the Game. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required. Visit for more information. Entry deadline on November 30, 2019.
- The Ayn Rand Institute An annual essay contest on her novels *Anthem (8th, 9th & 10th graders) and **The Fountainhead (11th & 12thgraders.) Awards range from $30 to $10,000. Visit for topics & guidelines.
- Next Step Magazine’s “Win Free College Tuition” Sweepstakes Open to students age 14 and older. 提供1万美元的奖学金和每月1000美元的奖学金. Register online at
- The Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
一个择优录取的项目,为高中9-12年级的学生提供1000美元的奖学金, college, or graduate students. 获奖者主要根据提交的个人陈述来选择. Visit to apply. Merit deadline December 31, 2019.
- Society of Women Engineers Chicago regional section awards scholarships to female freshman engineering students; application postmark deadline May 8, 2020; application and information at .
- 北岸大学卫生系统辅助护理教育奖学金 向一名被认可的R大学录取的高三学生提供5000美元现金大学奖学金.N. college program; criteria are interest, academics, activities, character and need. Applications are available at, you can email or call 224.364.7270 for more information. Due May, 2020.
- Sheriff’s Office of Cook County
Students selected to receive scholarship will be awarded $500. ISA奖学金旨在帮助学生支付学费、书本费和其他费用. Applications are available online at - Illinois Hammer Scholarship 6000美元的奖学金,由芝加哥的伊利诺斯州哈默伤害律师事务所赞助. This is a “need-based” scholarship, 仅适用于目前就读于认可大学的伊利诺伊州学生居民, or plan to in the next 12 months after applying, and is awarded twice a year. Application forms and more information are available at
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